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Publications of Raghbir Bhullar:

  1. The surface-tension-driven flow of blood from a droplet into a capillary tube. Wei Huang, Raghbir S. Bhullar, and Yuan Cheng Fung; Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2001.
    Abstract: In tissue, medical, or dental engineering, when blood comes into contact with a new artificial material, the flow may be influenced by surface tension between the blood and the surface of the material. The effect of surface tension on the flow of blood is significant, especially in microscale. The leading edge of the flowing blood is the triple point where the blood, the material surface, and a stationary gas or fluid meet. The movement of the triple point, i.e., the advancing front of the flow, is driven by surface tension, resisted by viscous shear stress, and balanced by the inertial force (–mass×acceleration). In this article, the dynamics is illustrated in detail in the case of blood flowing into a capillary tube by contact. The capillary tube draws the blood into it. It is shown theoretically that initially the flow of blood in the capillary has a large acceleration, followed by a relatively large deceleration over the next short period of time, then the acceleration becomes small and oscillatory. The velocity history appears impulsive at first, then slows down. The history of the length of blood column appears smooth after integration. Existing solutions of the Navier–Stokes equation permit the analysis of simpler cases. Further fluid mechanics development is needed to meet the practical needs of bioengineering. The importance of experimental study of surface tension and contact angle over a biological surface or a man-made material as a future direction of research is pointed out.
  2. Modeling of surface-tension-driven flow of blood in capillary tubes. Jun Wang, Wei Huang, Raghbir S. Bhullar, and Pin Tong; Mechanics & Chemistry of Biosystems, June 2004.
    Abstract: Surface-tension-driven blood flow into a capillary tube, as in some medical devices, is studied. In a previous article, we considered the early stages of the entry flow from a drop of blood into a capillary, and solved the problem analytically under the assumption that the resistance of the air is negligible. In the present note we consider a capillary tube of finite length, with the far end containing a small window which opens to the atmosphere. The dynamic reverberation of the air in the capillary tube is analyzed in conjunction with the dynamics of the blood. Existing computing programs are used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The interface is characterized by the surface tension between the blood and the air, and the contact angle at the triple point where the air-blood interface meets the capillary tube wall. The results tell us how good our earlier simplified analysis is. The new numerical results show that the smaller the window, the larger is the effect of aerodynamic reverberation. However, even for a window as small as 4% of the capillary cross section, and located at the end of the capillary, the difference of the time of arrival of the interface at the window is less than 5%.